WebFund 2014W Lecture 13

From Soma-notes
Revision as of 18:55, 28 February 2014 by Soma (talk | contribs) (→‎MongoDB)


Data "types":

  • Databases: sets of collections
  • collections: sets of documents
  • documents: sets of properties and values

Database operations:

  • create/add a database
  • drop/delete a database
  • add a collection to a database
  • remove a collection from a database
  • select a collection to use

Collection operations:

  • retrieve all documents
  • retrieve specific documents matching a set of conditions
  • add/insert a document
  • remove/delete a document
  • replace a set of document

Document operations:

  • stored as a JS object with _id unique identifier
  • set/change value of a property
  • retrieve value of a property
  • => key/value store or associative array


client-side JS