COMP 3000 2012 Week 10 Notes

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Revision as of 17:25, 8 November 2012 by Cdelahou (talk | contribs) (formatting)


  • Examples:
    • multi threaded
    • multi processes
    • multi hosts
    • Kernel tasks/ handlers

Mutual exclusion

  • "Take turns"


  • State "variable". Stores state saying who's turn is it? COudl be memory location, variable, file on disk
  • These include locks, semaphores, mutexes, monitors
  • Variables: set a variable to true or false if a current facility is being used. THis is a stupid method though, because two procedures may write to that variable at the same time
  • "TOCTTOU" Time to check to time to use:
    • if ( m < 1) then m = 1;
    • Between the if statment and the assignment, the CPU may schedule anothe rprocedure that accesses variable m.

Concerning assignement:

 * Each echo (line) is atomic.
 * Flock controls access to writing to race.txt
 * Flock tries to write to lock, but if it can't, it'll wait


 * There's an issue with writing and reading locks
 * If a process depends on a lock and that lock is never freed, that process will starve


  • "Death Pact"
  • Mutually dependent on resources
  • see wikipage
  • happens when there are multiple locks
  • requirements for deadlock:
    • mutual exclusion
    • hold + wait.
    • no preemption. "Sit there, waiting for that lock forever"
    • circular wait "I'm waiting on you you and you're waiting on me"
  • How do deal with deadlock?
    • 1. Ignore it! Ostrich algorithm
    • 2. detection. Are we in deadlock?
      • Example: Timeout. If a process times out, then it's depending on resources that

aren't there.

      • Watchdog timer. "If you don't call me every 30 minutes, call the cops!!!"
        • check state every interval, react if something isn't right
    • 3. Prevention. Make sure that one of the one of the requirements for deadlock is never satisfied
    • 4. Avoidance. Requirements are satisfied... So watch the transactions to see if

anything fishy happens. If so, pull out. (banker's algorithm):w


  • just a counting variable


  • semaphore with values of either 1 or 0
  • mutual exclusion
  • flock is a file based mutext