BioSec: DNMar23

From Soma-notes

Possible Security problems

- misuse of data

- input validation

- phishing

 - banking
 - want credentials
 - using email
 - send an email that looks like it comes from the bank
 - link goes to malicious site that looks arbitrarily like the bank (unpack)
 - user types in credentials, potentially gets transparently redirected to real bank site

problem arises from:

* illegitimate email
* link to site that looks like bank but isn’t
* credentials being entered in wrong domain, wrong page
* misappropriated language, images in email, site
* bad/missing/suspect cert?
  - cert/credential combo suspect

Human algorithm

 is domain same for the one where we normally send credentials
 not normally in response to email request
 cert is the same

Think of individual detectors as autonomous

 - how would they be useful?
  - how would they work? to detect?
 - how should they change system state in the normal case?

List of individual detectors

image filename check

context / semantic word descriptions --> semantic integrity - verifying message / content integrity based on the content itself - even if it is digitally signed.


domain / ip address check

certificate check - issuer name, domain name, client name, date of issue, date of expiry