DistOS-2011W Attribution

From Soma-notes
Revision as of 09:18, 4 March 2011 by AbdelRahman (talk | contribs)


  • Abdelrahman Abdou
  • Raghad Al-Awwad
  • Omi Iyamu
  • Rakhim Davletkaliyev

Meeting Briefings

Tuesday, March 1st

After 20 minutes of brainstorming, we agreed on:

  • Current internet infrastructure lacks the ability of achieving highly scalable and efficient attribution mechanism.
  • Attribution must be implemented in a distributed manner and must be automated and not owned.
  • Threats that should be addressed include (but not limited to):
    • Computers, individuals and applications impersonation
    • All types of electronic spoofing.
  • The skeleton of our project will constitute four main aspects:
    • Tracing/Tracking: baseline for attribution.
    • Human identification: a MUST to include!
    • Machine identification: to be dissolved with human identification.
    • Storage: how and where to store data traces and the identification stamps.

Thursday, March 3rd

Coming Soon!

Surveyed Papers

Coming Soon!


(Under Construction)

  • Problem definition
  • Literature review
  • ??

Project Progress

Coming Soon!


  • incremental deployability
  • privacy


really hard to find anything not from psychology