Notetaking for Operating Systems (Fall 2018)

From Soma-notes
Revision as of 15:38, 9 September 2018 by Soma (talk | contribs)

Extra credit is available for students who contribute lecture notes to the class wiki. You can earn up to an additive 4% bonus to your final grade by contributing notes and improving existing notes.

How to contribute

Contact Reza (RezaSamanfar at and sign up for a day you'd like to take notes for. Normally only one student can sign up for a day. Sign ups are first come, first serve; however, priority will be given to students who previously have not taken notes.

After the lecture, email your notes to Reza (preferably mediawiki formatted). He may request changes from you. Once the notes are in an acceptable format, they will be posted to the class wiki.

What to contribute

  • Bullet point summaries of topics covered in class
  • Code samples from class plus comments or extra explanation
  • Time marks to important points in lecture audio/videos
  • Links to reliable supplementary information (e.g. page numbers in Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces)

Important: read up on how Mediawiki formatting works before editing, and use the Show Preview button before saving your edits.

How do I get my bonus marks?

If you make significant contributions that do not need to be edited or improved, you will get roughly 1% per lecture. Large contributions that need some small edits will get you somewhere between 0.5% and 1% bonus. Good smaller edits and contributions will get you around 0.5%. Things like fixing typos and formatting are appreciated but are not worth any extra marks. Bonus marks are granted at Reza's discretion and will show up in CuLearn.

If you're not sure if something is appropriate to be added to the wiki, or you have a question about the bonus marks, ask Reza.