Operating Systems 2017F Lecture 22

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Lecture 22 Video


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Lecture 22

What's left?

* scheduling
* device drivers
* virtual memory
  - page replacement algorithms
    - predict the future (optimal)
    - least recently used
    - one-handed, two-handed clocks
* power management
* security
  - hardening processes so coding errors don't lead to vulnerabilities
    (machine code injection, e.g. buffer overflow attacks)

* virtualization
  - hardware-level  (run multiple kernels)  <-- vmware, openstack
  - OS-level        (run multiple userspaces) <-- containers, web hosting
  - application level (run programs on simulated machines)
     - JVM
     - JavaScript runtime in browsers/node
* distributed operating systems


Comp 3000 Premissions on this directory, readable writable and executable Execute permission on a Regular file : you can execute Execute permission on a directory : follow the links on the directory Can’t make any changes to the directory if you can’t write There are exceptions : Less/etc/passwd: doesn’t actually store the password

if you want to change this file, you must have a way to allow limited editing to this. 

 You can have a process running as root and send it signals and tell it to update the entry in the password file. o Starting up a process which has more privileges which I can do , ex: EUID Ls –la /sbin | grep rws : execve EUID will be set to whatever it is from the file . equal to the uid Ls –la /sbin | grep r-s: s is a sticky bit, if you need extra premissions You want your stcky bit to be a regular user Euid = uid yes Cd /tmp : directory in which everyone can write This allows binaries run as users Set uid and get guid : Myid has euid now Change the ownership - > chown root : root myid - >chown root : root mytouch Ls –la : 3rd column identifies the ownership of each file on the file system You can overwrite any file on the fille system using mytouch binary Question : why can you remove file owned by root? - > to change the context of the directory , the permissions of a file don’t matter but the permissions and privileges of the directory only matter o Someone putting a directory in ur directory is hard to remove - Ssh to a remote serve : - 2 public keys involved: identity key, private key pair: one in the known host file (connecting to the machine). - If you rm _known host and do ssh , a question will ask you to add the key to ur host file - What happens if a person tries to personate your machine (same IP address)? o It will identity it is a fake person from the host First line is a Hashed versionof an IP address : cat .ssh/known_host Ssh demon : running in the background and must have a public key to identify its self. process that runs in the background that doesn’t run in the background(connects 1 file system to another) - > connects sockets and listens to connect. Doesn’t interact with user Thursday: written version of the solutions for the midterm and we will talk about assignment 4 3000 class content We didn’t discuss scheduling much : Virtual memory: similar to scheduling since, If you don’t have enough memory , you delete the page that you may want to need at last . Choosing which pages you replace : one-handed and two-handed clocks Power management Security Virtualization : not one thing , vm ware, system which run multiple of kernels. SSH question student asked, how can they know that they have the private key belongs to the pubkey it belongs to: sends a public key or a hash of th Pubkey , then an exchange : yes I have a secret key which can be inverted by the pubkey. Private key must be corresponding. encrypts with thr private key and sends it back