WebFund 2016W Lecture 2

From Soma-notes


The video from the lecture given on January 12, 2016 is now available.


In-class Notes

Lecture #2

* no declared types
  - strings
  - objects
  - arrays
  - numbers (floats)
  - boolean

With Node
 - asynchronous (non-blocking) I/O

Student Notes

JavaScript: As a Language

  • JavaScript has nothing to do with Java.
    • Why is it even called JavaScript then? At first it wasn't; it was developed as Mocha, changed to LiveScript and then finally renamed to JavaScript due to an agreement with Sun (acquired by Oracle).<ref name="Stackoverflow">[1]</ref>
  • The only similarity between Java/JavaScript is some of the syntax, but that can be said for a lot of languages.
  • What's different about JavaScript?
    • No declared data types; it's a "loose" language.
      • Instead of int i = 0, it's simply var i = 0.
    • There's seven data types<ref name="Stackoverflow">[2]</ref> (examples in brackets)
      • Boolean (true, false)
      • Number (3.1337, 1337, etc. There's no integer or long, everything is a float)
      • String ("Dave")
      • Symbol
      • Object
      • Null
      • Undefined


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