Operating Systems 2015F: Tutorial 5
This tutorial is not yet finalized.
In today's tutorial you will be getting your own virtual machine set up in OpenStack. Your tasks are as follows:
- Connect to the SCS Openstack web portal at https://openstack.scs.carleton.ca
- Login using your MyCarletonOne username and the default password (your username and student number) or the password you have set.
- Create an instance based on the snapshot "comp3000-base-16Oct2015"
- You don't need an ssh keypair
- Set the name of the instance to be your username-1. Thus if your username is janedoe, then call your instance janedoe-1.
- Assign a floating IP address to your instance.
- Boot your instance and try logging in to the console using the standard student account.
- Change the hostname of your machine to be whatever you want by editing /etc/hostname. Also change the hostname in /etc/hosts.
- Configure your kernel by running
make menuconfig
- Build and install a kernel by running:
make bzImage make modules make install make modules_install
- You can configure a kernel an existing config file by copying it to .config and running "make oldconfig"