WebFund 2015W: Assignment 10

From Soma-notes
Revision as of 15:17, 31 March 2015 by Soma (talk | contribs)

This assignment is not yet finalized.

In this assignment you will be fixing the TLS notes demo. There are 10 points in 9 tasks plus one bonus point. This assignment is due by 10 AM on Monday, April 6, 2015.

Please submit your answers as a zip file called "<username>-comp2406-assign10.zip", where username is your MyCarletonOne username. This zip file should uncompress to a directory called "<username>-comp2406-assign10" and inside this directory should be two things: a directory "tls-notes" that contains the application and a text file "comments.txt".

"comments.txt" should:

  • list any references you used to complete the assignment (documentation web sites, for example),
  • list your collaborators, and
  • optionally, should discuss any issues or concerns you had when completing this assignment.

Remember that while you are allowed to collaborate with others, plagiarism is not allowed. In other words you should not be copying any code or data directly from anywhere, and any assistance or inspiration should be credited. Any significant code similarity (beyond the code already given to you) will be considered plagiarism and will be reported to the Dean.


  1. [1] Make the server connect using TLS.
  2. [1] Make the "Register" button work.
  3. [1] Fix the password entry field so it is the same width as the username entry field.
  4. [1] Make the Edit Note screen show the old note title.
  5. [1] Fix the "New Note" button.
  6. [1] Fix the "Delete" button.
  7. [1] Fix "Change Username" so it doesn't generate a 500 error.
  8. [1] Fix "Change Username" so that it puts a "'s" to the end of the username in the page title immediately after successfully changing the username (i.e., without requiring the page to be reloaded).
  9. [2] Fix "Change Username" so it updates the users collection as well as the notes collection.
  10. [BONUS 1] Regenerate the keys so they have the same basic metadata except that the contact email address is yours. (Don't try to make the creation and expiry dates or the key hash the same. Focus on the data that is normally entered when creating a certificate.)