MapReduce, Globus, BOINC
Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman, "Computational Grids" (1998)
Ian Foster, "Globus Toolkit Version 4: Software for Service-Oriented Systems" (2006)
David P. Anderson, "BOINC: A System for Public-Resource Computing and Storage" (2004)
Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat, "MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters" (2004)
- Premise? Local client on your machine downloads a 'workunit', churns the data, dumps the results and downloads a new 'workunit'
- Why are we caring?
- Entertainment?
- How is this an OS paradigm? What is it useful for?
- It isn't really an OS, just a method to have your mass computation done
- More of a distributed scheduler?
- Not even, central scheduler, but mass computation
- How many systems have we seen that have accomplished mass computation on millions of uncontrolled computers?
- ummm... none?
- As an OS?
- An OS is something that is created to run programs
- This is a special case allowing us to run specific programs (BUT IS IT AN OS?)
- Useful for "embarassingly parallel programs"
- Perfect for large scale simulation?
- But then you need LOTS of communication, and this system does not have interconnects
- The type of problems that we most care about tend not to be THAT parallel
- So what would a distrbuted OS be for?
- Shared communication!
- But we don't have much in the way that works well.
- Shared communication!
- An OS typically provides a lot of services, together in one package
- We have been seeing that there are no complete packages, just pieces and parts. Why?
- Computers are changing too fast? Same *NIX OS, same tcp/ip stack... so more of the same, why no true solution?
- Communication is unreliable? Yes, but that is also nothing new
- We have been seeing that there are no complete packages, just pieces and parts. Why?
- If people found that distributed file systems were succesful, they would be in use all the time, but they aren't. Reason? PERFORMANCE
- Take away message?
- Can't handle communication - how do you abstract access to resources when driven through a network?
- As a result, we have many many specialised solutions for particular workloads.
- If you are willing to not have communication between nodes, you gain a HUGE amount of computation