Talk:COMP 3000 2012 Midterm Material

From Soma-notes
Revision as of 18:46, 24 October 2012 by Cdelahou (talk | contribs) (→‎Discussion =: typo)


Only the facts

I'll be putting up my notes of notes up here. Hopefully people can benefit from these. I'll be summing up the answers from the lab and adding a few more details here and there.

Lab 1

Types of shell commands

 Built ins
 Shell functions
 binaries (scripts and binaries

Shell builtins vs binaries

 binaries exist elsewhere
 faster, no forking needed
 Kernel functions (IO redirection)

ls -l

 1          2  3     4   5     6             7
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 104508 Mar 31  2012 /bin/ls
   U  G  O
 Memnonic: 'You go hugo!'
 - denotes a regular file
 d denotes a directory
 b denotes a block special file
 c denotes a character special file
 l denotes a symbolic link
 p denotes a named pipe

 2) 1 link to /bin/ls
 3) user root
 4) group root
 5) size in bytes
 6) date last modified
 7) path/filename

I/O redirection

 << keyword    HEREDOC. Input until program reads specified keyword
 >> append
 < read from path
 > write to path, blow away anything there
 | pipes

file descriptors

 0 stdin
 1 stdout
 2 stderr
 3-9 other

fd redirection

 #> where # is a file descriptor
 a>&b redirects file descriptor a to b.
 COMMAND &>> file.txt
 Appends BOTH STDERR and STDOUT to file.txt

For loops

 //For all files in fold that start with l, echo the title
 for i in l*; do
   echo $i

Bg vs fg

 Bash waits or doesn't for return
 Both write to stdout as normal

Shell vars

 shell vars only apply to shell. Live in shell
 environment is more global, but typically a COPY is passed on to child processes
 envp is a series of keyvalue strings passed in with exec*