Mobile App Dev 2021W: Tutorial 10: Difference between revisions
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# Using the storyboard editor, add a Label at the bottom of the screen. This label should initially be blank. It should have a center horizontal alignment, span the width of the screen, and be anchored to the bottom of the safe area. | # Using the storyboard editor, add a Label at the bottom of the screen. This label should initially be blank. It should have a center horizontal alignment, span the width of the screen, and be anchored to the bottom of the safe area. | ||
# Modify ViewController.swift to make the label you added previously show a random encouragement message every time a conversion is selected. This label should go blank once the user starts typing in something. Add at least three messages, such as the following: | # Modify ViewController.swift to make the label you added previously show a random encouragement message every time a conversion is selected. This label should go blank once the user starts typing in something. Add at least three messages, such as the following: | ||
* You chose wisely! | #* You chose wisely! | ||
* Keep going! Almost there! | #* Keep going! Almost there! | ||
* Thank you for choosing. | #* Thank you for choosing. | ||
==Code== | ==Code== |
Revision as of 03:10, 7 April 2021
- Download and run Converter-SB. How similar is its execution to Converter2 from Tutorial 2? How similar to Converter2A from Tutorial 6?
- How are connections made between Main.storyboard and ViewController.swift? How does this compare to the connections between activity_main.xml and MainActivity.kt from Tutorial 6?
- How is layout specified in Main.storyboard? How similar is this to how layout was specified in Converter2 and Converter2A?
- How does the flow of control of Converter-SB compare to Converter2 and Converter2A?
- Why do you think that Converter-SB doesn't have a proper menu?
- Change Converter-SB so it starts with a message saying to "Choose a conversion above" in the result area and the button says "Select conversion".
- Using the storyboard editor, add a Label at the bottom of the screen. This label should initially be blank. It should have a center horizontal alignment, span the width of the screen, and be anchored to the bottom of the safe area.
- Modify ViewController.swift to make the label you added previously show a random encouragement message every time a conversion is selected. This label should go blank once the user starts typing in something. Add at least three messages, such as the following:
- You chose wisely!
- Keep going! Almost there!
- Thank you for choosing.
// Conversions.swift
struct Converter {
var convFrom = "From Type"
var convTo = "To Type"
var convert: (_ from: Double) -> Double?
func formatConversion(_ from: Double) -> String {
if let to = self.convert(from) {
let toS = String(format: "%.3f", to)
return "\(from) \(self.convFrom) is \(toS) \(self.convTo)."
} else {
return "Converting \(from) \(convFrom) to \(self.convTo) failed."
init(_ from: String, _ to: String, _ f: @escaping (_ from: Double) -> Double?) {
self.convFrom = from
self.convTo = to
self.convert = f
func InToCM(_ inch: Double) -> Double {
let cm = 2.54 * inch
return cm
let conversions =
["F to C": Converter("Farenheit", "Celsius",
{F in return ((F - 32.0)*(5/9))}),
"C to F": Converter("Celsius", "Farenheit",
{C in return ((9/5)*C + 32.0)}),
"km to mi": Converter("kilometers", "miles",
{k in
let m = k * 0.6213712
return m
"inch to cm": Converter("inches", "centimeters",
let availConversions = [String] (conversions.keys)
// ViewController.swift
// Converter-SB
// Created by Anil Somayaji on 2021-04-06.
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet var fromField: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var result: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var convButton: UIButton!
var convIndex = 0
var conv = conversions[availConversions[0]]!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
@IBAction func updateConversion() {
convIndex = (convIndex + 1 ) % availConversions.count
conv = conversions[availConversions[convIndex]]!
convButton.setTitle("Conversion: \(availConversions[convIndex])", for: .normal)
@IBAction func doConversion() {
if let fromS = fromField.text {
if let from = Double(fromS) {
result.text =
} else {
result.text = "Please enter a number."
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