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In Class
Comp 3000
Lecture 16
Important notes: Tutorial 5:
File system :
 persistent data structure organized around blocks (which are fixed allocation units)
 maps hierarchal names (keys) to values
 provides a file-like API like open,  read, write, close,etc
What does it mean to “make” a file system?
 Initializing a data structure.
 “formatting” a disk
Physical vs Logical : logical size of a file: the size your program see when accessing the file (bytes in a file)
Physical : How much space it takes up on disk , in terms of blocks , fixed units of storage allocation

Physical :
 By default or for multiple of files it is 1K blocks
 Example : Ext4 has 4k blocks
Kernel Programing :
 Warning:
o If you use linux base , you may crash your whole system, just backup before you do so using “rsync”.
Open Stack : log in through the terminal using your instance’s Ip address , but it failed to work . when you ssh to it you must write ssh “Address” –l Ubuntu
 You are required to use sude to add a user name, so u can play around in root.
What is a Kernel module ?
 A way of splitting up kernel functionality so everything does not have to load at boot.
 Modifies a kernel functionality
 Runs in kernel space , is the key thing to think about
o It is more powerful than root and it can do anything
o Access to all kernel memory
o And you can modify everything
 If you miss anything in the kernel development your system will crash
 Kernel machine provides you with a floppy by default which explains why it still exists in Anil’s terminal
 Once you install a module , the module is unstrained
Why do we use modules? Why don’t we load processes instead?
 No new mechanisms
 Increased security (restricted access)
 Makes the kernel less smaller, microkernel design,
o Putting in the functions that are supposed to be in the kernel into processes
o Process do IPC rather than code talking in supervisor mode
 Examples :
• Filesystems
• Drivers
• Networking
• Minix, QNX, GNU, hurd,
 Why is Linux  “monolithics” kernel ?
o Switching between contexts are expensive (context switch)
o How to make microkernels fast can be adopted by monolithics kernels to make them even faster
o Unreal security benefits :
 if you control the file system process, you can control everything
Rebuilding and changing the kernel:
 1)Type “make” : more compilacted than 2401
o Kernel built
 2)Make modules
 3)Sudo make install
 4) sudo make-modules install
 5) Sudo shutdown –r now : for the vm to reboot
 Which configuration would you use to build your own kernel ?
o Don’t do configurations from scratch
o Copy the configurations and use them
o Make localmodconfig : output for ls mod and uses that for configuring your kernel
o Requires time and effort
 Why less /dev/ones doesn’t exist anymore?
o Since reboot occurred
o You must load the modules again
o Head –c 100 /dev/ones to be able to use it again
 Implementing the device file of dev 1 ?
o Implement the file API required
o Teach the kernel what it means to do operations like read, etc
Code from the tutorial ones.c:
 Open ones_read code: file descriptor, file , buffer, amount of bytes to read and offset
o Offset : position in the file
o Fills the buffer with ones
o Why don’t we just set it to 1 instead of putting put_user?
 Char *buf : Pointer for a user space process, in order for the kernel to write to user spacer safely
o Line 46: Why use printk and not printf? Since printf is not defined because the c library is not available in the kernel, how can you can c library when the c library depends on the kernel? Kernel is independent, does not depend on any libraries.
Man ls : to see different ls commands
 Ls –las block
 Cat /dev/ones |less : it is like dev u random , but instead of generating random number, it instead generates infinite of number 1
 Ls –mod : displays all the moduls which are currently loaded on the virtual machine
 IBM ps/2 :  series of computers created to control PC, developed the interfaces to have a mouse and keyboard.
 Less readme : to check instructions of how to do a make
 Make menuconfig : options of kernel configurations
 Cat/pro
 Less .config : bad idea to go directly in it , use “make menuconfig “
 /boot : where the kernel got installed.
o Ls –lah : to see the size
 Less/ etc/modules
 Modul init: what function should be called when loaded and when it is unloaded
 Modul exit:
 Creating a device file : defining a file which has special semantics, define a struct and functions which should be called to explain each file operation, open , read, release(like closing but not really)
 What happens if you start running to the file ? permission are read only, not writing
o Override that? Still your permission is denied, you can only read since we didn’t write a function in the struct to write.
'''Additional notes:'''
--> Warning: it's possible to destroy your entire system with 1 command. Solution: have good backups
--> Core kernel functionality is implemented via modules
--> use ls mod to see modules that are loaded
--> In practice, you load modules all at once
'''Why do we need to load code into the kernel anyways?'''
--> more secure, ability to restrict access
--> examples of microkernel: minix (predecessor to Linux), QNX, GNU hurd
--> once you install a module, it's unrestrained
'''What is a monolithic kernel?'''
--> a type of OS architecture where the entire OS is working in kernel space
--> can dynamically load/unload modules at runtime
'''make localmodconfig:'''
--> takes output of ls mod and configures your kernel
'''ones.c program:'''
--> permissions are read only
'''file_operations ones_fops():'''
--> define what happens when you open a file, read from it, release tells you what happens when you're done with it (not the same thing as close)
--> len = number of bytes to read
--> offset tells you where you are in the file
--> put_user(): takes care of whatever needs to be done to write into that process properly
'''Why are we using printk instead of printf?'''
--> printf is not yet defined (ie. C library is not available in the kernel)
--> kernel doesn't depend on any libraries, all code belongs to the kernel itself
--> printk is the kernel's own implementation of printf (outputs to the kernel log --> /var/log/kern.log)
vfs = virtual filesystem layer
'''How do we limit access to user space processes?'''
--> Do a permission check
--> kernels need to be updated regularly to correct bugs that make the kernel vulnerable to programs trying to gain access to important user space processes
--> unlikely() = tells you that this branch is not likely to be taken, optimize the current path
--> this is how our read function will be called

Revision as of 00:28, 10 November 2017