Uploads by Jmarcha1

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
05:49, 19 October 2011 LinHESsplash.png (file) 63 KB The splash screen for LinHES 1
06:17, 19 October 2011 LinHESinstallType.png (file) 185 KB LinHES install type menu. 1
06:30, 19 October 2011 LinHESinstallScreen.png (file) 334 KB The first of several options screens encountered during the LinHES installation. 1
07:02, 19 October 2011 LinHESretroGlobe.jpg (file) 338 KB The time zone selection image shown during LinHES installation. 1
07:16, 19 October 2011 LinHESmainMenu.png (file) 447 KB   2
21:38, 13 December 2011 LinHESVerbose.png (file) 374 KB   3