WebFund 2016W Lecture 4: Difference between revisions

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Added nosniff header.
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The video for the lecture given on January 19, 2016 [http://homeostasis.scs.carleton.ca/~soma/webfund-2016w/lectures/comp2406-2016w-lec04-19Jan2016.mp4 is now available].

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===Student Notes===
*Assignment 1 due tomorrow (now pushed back to Thursday before class)
*Basics for tutorial 2 and assignment 2 are up!
====Web Servers====
*What does a web server do?
**Listens on port 80 (usually HTTP), 443 (usually HTTPS) or some other port.
***If the web server is listening on a non-standard port, you must specify the port in the URL (using something like “localhost:8080”)
**Input: HTTP requests
**Output: HTTP responses with requested documents
***HTTP responses always have a response code
****200: OK, used for successful request
****404: Not Found
**In other words it services requests
*Need root privileges to listen on ports <~1024
**Do not do development as root if you can, it is risky!
*Popular Web Servers: Apache, NginX
====Tiny Web Server====
*Written in JavaScript(Node)
*Can only serve files! (most modern servers can do more)
*Understands limited file types
*Similar to web servers from 1995
*To try to understand what the code is doing, we can start by looking at the bottom of the file
*Apart from the loading of some modules and the definitions of some objects and functions, the first real code to run in this script is the <code>createServer()</code> method
*We are calling a method of the <code>http</code> object (loaded from a module) in order to create an object which will act as the server (which we then store in the <code>server</code> variable)
*This method takes a single argument, <code>request_handler</code>
**<code>request_handler</code> is a function which is intended to handler incoming requests
**By providing this function as the argument, we are telling the server to call the function every time a request comes in
*Here we are calling the <code>listen()</code> method of the <code>server</code> object that was just created
*This tells the server to start listening for incoming requests
*The first two arguments are telling the server where to listen (on port 8080 of localhost)
**This information came from the <code>options</code> object which was defined at the top of the file
*The third argument is a callback function
**This will run once the server has started listening
**It simply prints a message in the console to indicate that the server is ready
*This function gets called every time a request comes in (because we provided it as an argument to the <code>http.createServer()</code> method)
*There are two arguments
**<code>request</code> is an object which represents the request that was received
**<code>response</code> is an object which represents the response that will be sent
*At a high level, this function checks for the existence of a requested file and responds with either the file or an error code
*There are many nested callback functions here
**Although this makes the code more difficult to read, why is this preferable to doing things synchronously?
***This ensures that the <code>request_handler()</code> function will return very quickly
***All the bulk of the work is done asynchronously
***This allows the server to be available to handle another request again very quickly
***This is important in order to keep the server responsive for numerous requests
====MIME Types====
*MIME types are used to specify the type of data being sent via HTTP
*In Tiny Web Server, there is an object <code>MIME_TYPES</code> defined near the top of the file which contains the types of files that the server recognizes
*The <code>MIME_TYPES</code> object is used in the <code>get_mime()</code> function to determine the type of a requested file
*Similarly, the <code>MIME_TYPES</code> object is used to set the Content-Type header of the HTTP response that is sent by the server
*We can break ‘image/jpg’  by changing it to ‘imaage/jpg’
**The web browser does not know how to handle it because it does not recognize imaage
*Web browsers can deal with broken content type for some types of files
**For example, putting a jpg as png in <code>MIME_TYPES</code>, will not break the content and Firefox is smart enough to render it correctly as jpg
**To prevent the browser from attempting to detect what format the content is, the <tt>X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff</tt> header can be added.
====Response Headers====
*Some headers of the HTTP response are set in the <code>respond()</code> function
**This is done using the <code>response.writeHead()</code> method
**We could add more headers here if we want to
*Some other headers are set for us by the code in the <code>http</code> module
*We can see these headers from within the dev tools of the web browser after a response has been received
*There are not many headers used here because Tiny Web Server is not very complex
====Frameworks and Modern Servers====
How have things improved since 1995?
*We use code to generate responses to requests
**We often use frameworks to do much of the work for us
Why use frameworks?
*Because we don’t want to build up HTML from scratch
*Abstracted away logic
*We also want routing (dispatcher): have someone else decide which function to call in response to requests
*You can use the node debugger by typing <code>node debug script.js</code> in the terminal
*This will stop the program on the first line of code that is run
*You can continue execution of the code by typing <code>c</code>
*You can learn about other useful commands by typing <code>help</code>
*In particular, you can type <code>repl</code> to enter a read-evaluate-print loop from which you can inspect or modify objects or other data
*You can also write <code>debugger;</code> in the script to create a break point where the debugger will pause the execution of the program
*There is also a debugger available in the web browser
**This is for client side code and will not work for any server-side code
*You can use the inspect in the web browser dev tools to see the the tree-structure HTML which makes up a web page
*<code>&lt;div&gt;</code> tags are used for sections in HTML
*<code>&lt;a&gt;</code> tags are used for links (review on CodeAcademy)

Latest revision as of 03:04, 22 January 2016


The video for the lecture given on January 19, 2016 is now available.


In-class Notes

Lecture 4
Web servers

What does a web server do?
Listens on port 80, 443, or other port
INPUT: HTTP requests
OUTPUT: HTTP responses & requested documents

 - written in JavaScript (Node)
 - can only serve files
 - understands only a few file types

So tinywebserver is how web servers worked in 1995

What changed since then is now web servers run code to generate responses

Why use frameworks?
 - because we don't want to build up HTML from scratch
 - and, we want logic that is abstracted away
 - and, we want routing
   - have someone else decide which function to call in response to requests

But for this week, bare bones


Student Notes


  • Assignment 1 due tomorrow (now pushed back to Thursday before class)
  • Basics for tutorial 2 and assignment 2 are up!

Web Servers

  • What does a web server do?
    • Listens on port 80 (usually HTTP), 443 (usually HTTPS) or some other port.
      • If the web server is listening on a non-standard port, you must specify the port in the URL (using something like “localhost:8080”)
    • Input: HTTP requests
    • Output: HTTP responses with requested documents
      • HTTP responses always have a response code
        • 200: OK, used for successful request
        • 404: Not Found
    • In other words it services requests
  • Need root privileges to listen on ports <~1024
    • Do not do development as root if you can, it is risky!
  • Popular Web Servers: Apache, NginX

Tiny Web Server

  • Written in JavaScript(Node)
  • Can only serve files! (most modern servers can do more)
  • Understands limited file types
  • Similar to web servers from 1995
  • To try to understand what the code is doing, we can start by looking at the bottom of the file
  • Apart from the loading of some modules and the definitions of some objects and functions, the first real code to run in this script is the createServer() method
  • We are calling a method of the http object (loaded from a module) in order to create an object which will act as the server (which we then store in the server variable)
  • This method takes a single argument, request_handler
    • request_handler is a function which is intended to handler incoming requests
    • By providing this function as the argument, we are telling the server to call the function every time a request comes in
  • Here we are calling the listen() method of the server object that was just created
  • This tells the server to start listening for incoming requests
  • The first two arguments are telling the server where to listen (on port 8080 of localhost)
    • This information came from the options object which was defined at the top of the file
  • The third argument is a callback function
    • This will run once the server has started listening
    • It simply prints a message in the console to indicate that the server is ready
  • This function gets called every time a request comes in (because we provided it as an argument to the http.createServer() method)
  • There are two arguments
    • request is an object which represents the request that was received
    • response is an object which represents the response that will be sent
  • At a high level, this function checks for the existence of a requested file and responds with either the file or an error code
  • There are many nested callback functions here
    • Although this makes the code more difficult to read, why is this preferable to doing things synchronously?
      • This ensures that the request_handler() function will return very quickly
      • All the bulk of the work is done asynchronously
      • This allows the server to be available to handle another request again very quickly
      • This is important in order to keep the server responsive for numerous requests

MIME Types

  • MIME types are used to specify the type of data being sent via HTTP
  • In Tiny Web Server, there is an object MIME_TYPES defined near the top of the file which contains the types of files that the server recognizes
  • The MIME_TYPES object is used in the get_mime() function to determine the type of a requested file
  • Similarly, the MIME_TYPES object is used to set the Content-Type header of the HTTP response that is sent by the server
  • We can break ‘image/jpg’ by changing it to ‘imaage/jpg’
    • The web browser does not know how to handle it because it does not recognize imaage
  • Web browsers can deal with broken content type for some types of files
    • For example, putting a jpg as png in MIME_TYPES, will not break the content and Firefox is smart enough to render it correctly as jpg
    • To prevent the browser from attempting to detect what format the content is, the X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff header can be added.

Response Headers

  • Some headers of the HTTP response are set in the respond() function
    • This is done using the response.writeHead() method
    • We could add more headers here if we want to
  • Some other headers are set for us by the code in the http module
  • We can see these headers from within the dev tools of the web browser after a response has been received
  • There are not many headers used here because Tiny Web Server is not very complex

Frameworks and Modern Servers

How have things improved since 1995?

  • We use code to generate responses to requests
    • We often use frameworks to do much of the work for us

Why use frameworks?

  • Because we don’t want to build up HTML from scratch
  • Abstracted away logic
  • We also want routing (dispatcher): have someone else decide which function to call in response to requests


  • You can use the node debugger by typing node debug script.js in the terminal
  • This will stop the program on the first line of code that is run
  • You can continue execution of the code by typing c
  • You can learn about other useful commands by typing help
  • In particular, you can type repl to enter a read-evaluate-print loop from which you can inspect or modify objects or other data
  • You can also write debugger; in the script to create a break point where the debugger will pause the execution of the program
  • There is also a debugger available in the web browser
    • This is for client side code and will not work for any server-side code


  • You can use the inspect in the web browser dev tools to see the the tree-structure HTML which makes up a web page
  • <div> tags are used for sections in HTML
  • <a> tags are used for links (review on CodeAcademy)